Know someone with a passion for bees? An environmental enthusiast? Someone who'd love to have a hive but lacks the space? Someone who wants to make a positive impact on the British Black Bee population, currently dwindling?

Introducing a remarkable opportunity: Own a hive for a year, name it, or adopt a bee.

The global honey bee population is facing a concerning decline, influenced by an array of complex factors still under investigation. At More Bees Please, our mission transcends awareness. We're determined to spotlight the critical role of bees in sustaining all life forms.

We invite individuals to embrace bee-friendly practices, cultivate pollinator-friendly gardens, and bolster the environment for honey bees and other vital pollinators. Together, let's halt habitat loss and reduce pesticide usage.

Join the movement. It's more than a hive – it's a statement of commitment to a greener, healthier world. Get involved and make a real difference.