Collection: School Visits

It is quite a new initiative that we have come up with and it is part of our bigger plan to help educate children about the importance of pollination & the role the bees have. 

We can visit your school and talk to the children about the bees and the roles that they have in the hive. There's loads of fascinating facts about these tiny insects, the children as well as the adults love learning about them. 

We will bring beekeeping equipment, including an observation hive for the children to look at, and of course, suits for them to try on. We have activity sheets and pots of seeds to give out. The children love to have competitions on who can grow the best pot of wild flowers. 

Honey is brought in, so that the children can taste natural raw honey, which is completely different to shop bought honey, and it's 100% healthier for them.

We can provide a fully set up Pollination Garden in your school which also includes:

- Wildflower Seeds

- A Bumble Bee House

- Bee Education Resources 

- Plants

The area is set using 3 x hexagon shaped large planters, where the children can help dig, plant the plants, and seeds. This area can then be maintained by the children over the years. 

For a full day's visit the cost is £250

Half day visit  - £150

School Pollination garden - £450 which includes seed pots 

Seed pots - £1.50

For more information, please contact us.